Julia Janssen

Illustration & Design

Julia Janßen Portrait Julia Janßen Portrait

About me, myself and I ...

Ich bin Hanseatin mit einem Faible für Kunst jeglicher Couleur und einem leichten Hang zu Albernheiten (auch im künstlerischen Schaffen). Was an Kreativität in der Agenturarbeit als Mediengestalterin nicht ausgeschöpft wird, kommt schließlich in meiner Freizeit zur Anwendung ... ganz gleich ob beim fotografieren, malen, zeichnen, digital oder analog.
Der bedeutendste Einfluss meiner kreativen Arbeit hatte stets die vielfältige Welt der Comics und Graphic Novels und ihre faszienierende Fähigkeit mit größtmöglicher Einfachheit komplexeste Inhalte auf lebendige, bewegende und humorvolle Art und Weisen zu vermitteln. Auch wenn ich die meisten Arbeiten ausschliesslich zu meinem privaten Vergnügen erstelle, nutze ich immer mal wieder auch die erfreulichen Gelegenheiten Arbeiten für andere umzusetzen, z. B. personalisierte Illustrationen als Geschenke, Tattoovorlagen, T-Shirt-Drucke oder Verpackungen ...

I'm a native hanseatic with a soft spot for art of all kinds and a slight penchant for silliness (also in artistic creation). Whatever creativity is not exhausted in agency work as a media designer is ultimately used in my free time ... regardless of whether it is photographing, painting, drawing, digital or analogue. The most significant influence of my creative work has always been the diverse world of comics and graphic novels and their fascinating ability to convey the most complex content in a lively, moving and humorous way with the greatest possible simplicity. Even if I create most of my work exclusively for my private pleasure, I always use the pleasant opportunities to do work for others, for example personalized illustrations as gifts, tattoo templates, t-shirt prints or packaging ...

Illustrationen Illustrations

Illustration BrainGhost Illustration Catcalling Illustration Slimer Illustration DemoDog Illustration Fortune-Cookie Illustration Getting Old Illustration Paris Illustration Ramen Illustration Atomsprenkopf
Illustration Silly to the bones Illustration Inktober Crabby Illustration Inktober Eagle Illustration Inktober Fairy Illustration Inktober Wolf Illustration Bird Tattoo Illustration Inktober Match Illustration Piggy Illustration Sketch Illustration Sketch

Fotografie Photography

black and white Photography Prague black and white Photography Potato black and white Photography Porto black and white Photography Beach Photography Paris Museum black and white Photography Paris Dancing People black and white Photography Old Hands black and white Photography Beach Marocco black and white Photography Camel black and white Photography Architecture black and white Photography Porto black and white Photography Pool black and white Photography Poppy black and white Photography Dragonfly
black and white Photography black and white Photography Swimming Bird black and white Photography Licking Cat black and white Photography Kids black and white Photography Field black and white Photography Chilling black and white Photography Beach black and white Photography Prague black and white Photography Beach black and white Photography Aloe Vera black and white Photography Shower black and white Photography Steps

»I paint my own reality.« - Frida Kahlo

Für kreativen Ausstausch oder Anfragen sende einfach eine Mail.
For creative exchange or enquiries just send a mail.

Email: mail@juliajanssen.info